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Gladesmore Community School

Gladesmore Community School

Speak Out

SpeakOut is a nationwide speaking platform that challenges pupils in Year 10 to develop their oracy skills and to use these skills in competition.  The programme is supported by the Jack Petchey foundation alongside the Speakers Trust.  It engages in excess of 18 thousand pupils across London and the South East of England.  The programmes allows young people to have their voices heard on wide- ranging topics of personal interest. 

Pupils who wish to participate in Speak Out attend two workshops.  During those workshops, they identify a topic which they wish to 'Speak Out' about.  Pupils then compose a speech on this topic and the workshop culminates with an event where pupils 'Speak Out' to an audience of their peers and teachers.  The winners are then shortlisted to deliver their speech at a regional final.  In the regional final, pupils from a number of different schools 'Speak Out' to an audience of parents, pupils and teachers from across the region.  The winner is selected by a panel of local dignitaries. 

The programme brings significant benefits to pupils.  Pupils  learn how to craft  their thinking, their expression and their body language.  Pupils  also gain confidence and a powerful sense of being heard by the local community.  Pupils who have participated have spoken very positively of the impact that it has had on both their self-esteem and their powers of expression. 

Gladesmore has won the Haringey Regional Finals many times.  

Winner of the Haringey Regional Prize


Gladesmore Community School
Crowland Road
N15 6EB


020 8800 0884
