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Gladesmore Community School

Gladesmore Community School

Meet the Safeguarding Team

Gladesmore has a dedicated Safeguarding Team that manages concerns and oversees safeguarding, which is led by the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mrs Jones. All staff employed at the school undertake essential, accredited CPD Safeguarding training annually and refresher training midway through the academic year. All employees also complete Prevent Training and other relevant training, relating to safeguarding and child protection, at regular intervals throughout the year. 

The safeguarding team consists of the following members of staff:

My name is Pauline Jones, and I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Gladesmore Community School.  I have many years of experience helping young people and parents with safeguarding concerns. I have been teaching for over 35 years and have, over those years, helped many children with their problems. Children should not suffer in silence. The Safeguarding team is here to help. 

I know from personal experience how difficult parenting can be.  We are all human and everyone needs help from time-to-time.   I always say to children that reaching out is a sign of strength.  Often, our young people and their families say that they wish they had asked for help earlier because they feel much better once we begin to work towards a resolution.  Please get in touch with us earlier rather than later: we are always here to help.

Pauline Jones
Assistant Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)


Tachaan Marshall
Deputy-Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

My name is Tachaan Marshall.  I have always wanted to work with young people, and so I initially worked at the school as a Success Ambassador.  I subsequently qualified as a Social Worker and then supported young people with their challenges through this role, with a special focus on Looked After Children. I decided that I wanted to return to Gladesmore so that I could have a positive impact on a greater number of children. So, please do let us know so we can help with your problem. 

I am eager to help children manage their challenges and consider health and wellbeing as being so important. 

My name is Ernest Regisford. Many parents will recognise me as one of the Assisstant Head of the school. However, this is only part of my role. My role encompasses safeguarding, behaviour and student motivation.

Over my many years at Gladesmore, I have learnt that pupils thrive when there is constructive and regular communication between the school and home. Please contact us if you have any worries or concerns.

Ernest Regisford
Assistant Head, Safeguarding Officer


Armani Moaka
Safeguarding Officer

My name is Armani Moaka.  I enjoy working with children and having previously worked as a qualified Social Worker, I have considerable experience of supporting young people and their families with many problems and challenges they encounter. I bring this experience and understanding to Gladesmore to help you. My role has a focus on Early Help, I can provide support and guidance at an early stage and be really helpful to students. Please don't be embarrassed or shy, we are here to help and listen to whatever your issue might be. Please let us know, so we can support you too. 

I am here to help, so please seek me out if you have an issue or question. Your problem is important to us, so do share your concerns with us.  

I started my career in education by working in a behaviour unit in a mainstream secondary school. I progressed to working in a special school which was based on a level 4 acute psychiatric CAMHS ward. A lot of cases began while the children were in mainstream school, so I wanted to go back to a mainstream setting where I felt that I could make a greater impact.

As a Head of Year, I was able to combine my experience of behaviour management and mental health to best meet the needs of my year group.

Safeguarding is important to me because I take on the practice of treating my students how I would like someone to treat my own children. I think it is important for all students to have an advocate for them, which is where my role comes into play. 


Melloney Cope
Safeguarding Officer

Wider Safeguarding Team

The Safeguarding Team is supported by several other trained safeguarding staff to support pupils. These include our:

Counsellors Attendance Manager Education Welfare Officer
  • Shereen Marshall
  • Alecia May
  • Howard Antonio 
  • Trailblazers
  • Maureen Dyer 
  • Dorothy Hall


Gladesmore Community School
Crowland Road
N15 6EB


020 8800 0884
